Permit renewal and purchase details for the 24/25 year are now available. Schedules and pricing can be found at:

S Overnight Storage is available after you purchase your 24/25 S permit, if you are regularly parking your car overnight. Overnight parking is not allowed in Manor Garage (MAG).

Updated 6/27/2024
Frequently Asked Questions
+ How do I get my QR code?
In the top navigation, click on PERMITS. Click View Your Permits. In the listing, click on the permit or pass number under the Permit Number heading. Scroll down and click the Get QR Code button to generate the PDF with your QR code.

+ How do I recharge my Perks Pass?
In the top navigation, click on PERMITS. Click View Your Permits. In the listing, click on the pass number under the Permit Number heading. Scroll down and click the Recharge button and follow the steps.

+ How do I buy or renew a permit?
In the top navigation, click on PERMITS. Click Get Permits. In the listing, select the group you are wanting to buy or renew. Select from the available permits and follow the steps. Beware, many are similarly named and more than one permit year may be listed, so review the list carefully before selecting.

+ How do I add or delete a vehicle?
STEP 1: Update your account vehicles
In the top navigation, click on VEHICLES. To add, click the Add button for the correct type of vehicle you need to add and follow the on-screen instructions. To delete, scroll down to the list of vehicles and click Delete next to the vehicle you wish to remove.
STEP 2: Update the vehicles on your permit(s)/pass to avoid citations
In the top navigation, click on PERMITS. Click View Your Permits. In the listing, click on the permit/pass number under the Permit Number heading. Scroll down to the Associated Vehicles section. Click Delete to remove a vehicle. To add a vehicle, scroll down and click Add Vehicle To Permit. Select from the list of vehicles. Be sure to only select those of the matching type to the permit/pass. Repeat for each permit/pass you want to add or delete the vehicle on.

+ How do I view or change my waitlist selections?
In the top navigation, click on PARKING PORTAL. Scroll down to the PERMITS section and on the right side click the Add/Edit Waitlists button. Review the information on waitlist ranking then click the Next >> button. Follow the on-screen instructions.

+ How do I get a copy of my receipt?
For a Permit/Pass:
In the top navigation, click on PERMITS. Click View Your Permits. In the listing, click on the permit or pass number under the Permit Number heading. Scroll down to the Associated Receipts section.
For a Citation:
In the top navigation, click on CITATIONS. In the listing, click on the citation number under the Citation # heading. Scroll down to the Receipts section.

+ How do I view the last 60 days of activity for my Perks Pass?
In the top navigation, click on PERMITS. Click View Your Permits. In the listing, click on the pass number under the Permit Number heading. Scroll down and click the View Activity History button to generate the PDF with your activity.

+ How do I add my Toll Tag?
In the top right, click on your name. Click Manage Your Account Information. Scroll down to the GARAGE ACCESS CREDENTIALS section and click Edit to add or update a tag number. Up to 3 tags may be registered.

+ How do I view my letters, waitlist offers?
In the top navigation, click on PARKING PORTAL. Scroll down to the CITATIONS section and click View Your Letters. Review the list by Created On and Type to find the latest letter. Click on the Doc ID to open the letter.